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Complete the form below to search through thousands of online deals and find one suitable for you. its important to remember that the best mortgage deals are not necessarily about getting the lowest mortgage rate possible, you also need to take into account all the fees and charges associated in setting up your new mortgage deal.

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Error: {{results.ErrorMessage}}
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Initial Rate {{res.InitialInterestRate}}% {{res.InitialInterestType}}
{{res.InitialInterestPeriod | forUntil}}
Reverting Rate {{res.SubsequentRate}}%*
Overall Cost {{res.OverallCost}}% APRC
Setup Fees {{res.TotalFees | currency:'£':2}}
Monthly Repayments {{res.InitialMonthlyPayment | currency:'£':2}}

Max LTV {{res.LoanToValue}}% (Early Repayment Charge will apply)

Your selected product detail Close
Overall cost for comparison {{res.OverallCost}}% APRC representative Enquire
The Basics
Provider name {{res.ProviderName}}
Mortgage type {{res.InitialInterestType}}
Mortgage term {{results.MortgageTerm}} years
Initial rate {{res.InitialInterestRate}}%
Reverting rate {{res.SubsequentRate}}%*
Max LTV {{res.LoanToValue}}%
Initial period {{res.InitialInterestPeriod | forUntil}}
Early repayment charge {{res.EarlyRepaymentCharge}}
Exclusive product {{res.PackagerName | hasPackager: res.IsExclusive:res.PackagerName}}

* The current figure shown is based on today's exchange rate and is subject to fluctuations which could affect the amount you pay.

Initial monthly repayments {{res.InitialMonthlyPayment | currency:'£':2}}
Monthly repayments after initial period {{res.RevertingPayment | currency:'£':2}}
Total amount of interest to pay {{res.TotalAmountOfInterest | currency:'£':0}}
Total amount to be repaid {{res.TotalToPay | currency:'£':0}}
Total number of monthly instalments {{res.TotalNumberOfInstalments}}

Fees and Charges
{{feeItem.Name}}{{feeItem.AddedToLoan | displayOneIfTrue}}{{feeItem.PaymentTiming | displayPaymentTimingInt}} {{feeItem.Amount != null ? '£' + feeItem.Amount : '-'}}
Total Fees {{res.TotalFees | currency:'£':2}}

1 Payment can be added to the mortgage loan 2 Up Front payment required 3 To be paid on completion

Additional Information: {{res.ProviderDetail}}

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* A reverting monthly repayment of {{res.RevertingPayment | currency:'£':2}} applies after initial period.
Total amount payable {{res.TotalToPay | currency:'£':0}}

Product Details and Enquire
{{$index + 1}}
Displaying {{startPage}}-{{startPage + results.Products.length - 1}} of {{results.TotalMatchedProducts}} products
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